Villa Celle Digital Experience: A Digital Twin of Art and Nature
Entry Description
The Villa Celle Digital Experience project is an innovative digital twin combining art, nature, and technology to showcase the treasures of Villa Celle. The digital twin allows real-time exploration of artworks and botanical species, both on-site and remotely. This project integrates virtual guided tours, digital cataloging, and interactive educational tools to provide inclusive and sustainable access to cultural and natural heritage. By bridging the gap between technology and culture, the project creates a dynamic experience that fosters global accessibility, preservation, and education.Upload Supporting Images & Videos (Optional)
Celle_web_DJI_0077_2023_Aeree, Drone, Opere_Pietro FantoniCelle_web_DJI_0087_2023_Aeree, Drone, Opere, Richard Serra_Pietro Fantoni
Celle_web_DJI_0399_2024_Aeree, Drone, Opere, Tè€, The_Pietro Fantoni
Celle_web_DJI_0423_2024_Abakanowicz, Aeree, Drone, Katarsis, Opere_Pietro Fantoni
Celle_web_IMG_0706_2023_Backstage, In2real, Matterport_Pietro Fantoni
Celle_web_IMG_0682_2023_bambu, Melencolia, Morris, Opere, Parmiggiani_Pietro Fantoni
Celle_web_DSC_8434_2023_Labirinto, Morris_Giacomo Baldini
Celle_web_DSC_8521_2023_bambu, Melencolia, Morris, Opere, Parmiggiani_Giacomo Baldini
Celle_web_DSC_8469_2023_Opere_Giacomo Baldini
Celle_web_DSC_8690_2024_Opere, Parco_Giacomo Baldini
Celle_web_DJI_0446_2024_Aeree, Cabane, Daniel Buren, Drone, Opere_Pietro Fantoni